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2023 ~ The Year of Recovery

It’s been an interesting few years. We named 2022 the year of progress, and though we have made progress – we haven’t completed as much as we would have liked, by far.

2022: Jeff had shoulder surgery at the end of spring putting us effectively off our debt free goal, as well as obviously putting us effectively behind on most our projects. In January, I changed jobs, then left that job in the beginning November then not starting a new job until December. This left us without my pay for a month which put another financial strain on us. So no, we did not have a very progressive year.

2023 will be better (I know this because I’ve already made up my mind), and we will recover from all that we have been through in the past Covid induced years. Rather than just saying it will be the year of recovery and putting some high-level remarks about what will make it a recovery year, I want to encourage each of you to list out at least 3 very specific goals. Not to say that there won’t be additional projects, but putting some specific goals out there might just help keep us all on track. In fact, feel free to list them in the comments below for the whole world to see... Somehow, it seems when we put them out there for everyone, we tend to really strive to succeed. If not here, maybe tell your best friend or family. Have others help push you to stay on target.

With that being said, we will also list out a few of our goals for all of you to see, and hopefully - you will check in and make sure we are staying focused. So, here we go:

High Level: Build a better Garden

Specifics - Create a 40 x 40 foot garden space to produce enough food for us to freeze dry, dehydrate, or can to provide at least 6 months worth of long-term food storage by the end of October.

High Level: Seeding a Pasture

Specifics - Complete the clearing of our front acreage and seed it for pasture to assist in the grazing of our two nanny goats and Dexter heifer by the beginning of June.

High Level: Creating permanent structures for new animals

Specifics - Build a new brooder and permanent structure to house new turkeys coming in April. Also, build a duck house and create a dam and small pond for ducks also coming in April.

Now granted, we want to do more of course - and likely will, but these are the three things that are a must on our list - and we want YOU to hold us accountable to them. We are using this year to recover from all that we have been through and all decisions we make are to get us to our ultimate goal: GET BACK ON TRACK.

As you may know, naming our years is a way for us to place focus on that one specific term for the entire year. Everything we do, purchase, share, accomplish, and research, in and off our homestead, is dedicated to that one yearly focus. Hopefully, some of the goals we have listed for you might spark something to help you as well.

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