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Shawna Rust
Oct 12, 20207 min read
10 things you need to know/do if you are serious about homesteading.
Are you looking to take the next step towards a more self-sufficient lifestyle? If so, there are some steps you need to (or at least,...
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Shawna Rust
Jul 6, 20204 min read
Get off your high horse!
This may irritate some homesteaders out there, but this must be said: Homesteaders are no better than anyone else. Okay, now that I have...
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Shawna Rust
Apr 16, 20204 min read
A Homestead Anniversary!
Homestead Fresh’s official 2nd anniversary! It’s been two years since we started our business, and almost three years since we started...
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Shawna Rust
Mar 26, 20206 min read
Living in a 240 sq. ft. box
Nothing can prepare you for tiny home living like holding up in a travel trailer. Yes, we have moved our travel trailer out to our new...
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Shawna Rust
Mar 11, 20202 min read
Murphy DID NOT throw the wrench
Life – what can I say… it certainly is not a perfect concept. Without going into detail, let’s just say that sometimes things get flipped...
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Shawna Rust
Feb 6, 20204 min read
Worth the pain?
Hard work never hurt anybody… Now, I’m not sure who said that but I would guess they weren’t trying to set up a homestead. First of all,...
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Shawna Rust
Jan 22, 20202 min read
The Year of New Lives
Hi everyone! Yes, it is once again time to name our year. Each year, we pick a theme that we focus on for the year. This year it is the...
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Shawna Rust
Oct 15, 20193 min read
Meet People and Sharing Ideas
When you embark on a new adventure, you want to know that you at least have an idea of what you are doing. Sometimes though, we only...
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Shawna Rust
Aug 29, 20193 min read
Sometimes it is hard to keep your mind in the game. Life brings on stressors that we many times cannot avoid. These can range from small...
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Shawna Rust
Jun 19, 20193 min read
We're Back!
So, as some of you that know us in real life, know that we just got back from Texas recently for our daughter’s wedding. For those of you...
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Shawna Rust
May 16, 20193 min read
Jealous you say?
I typically get two responses when we tell people that we have started Homesteading. Either “Why” or “Wow”. This is typically followed by...
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Shawna Rust
May 8, 20193 min read
Simple Life? Ha!
I can’t be sure, but I’m fairly confident that nobody ever said life was easy… if they did, they either didn’t really mean it or they...
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Shawna Rust
Apr 18, 20192 min read
Homestead Fresh 1st Anniversary!
This weekend, we are happy to say that Homestead Fresh officially celebrates it’s 1-year anniversary! Now, we didn’t start the website...
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