Trying something new...
Originally posted January 20, 2019
Trying something new…I love learning new things, after all - it’s what has led us to where we are now in our journey.
Learning to make homemade soap was one of the very best things I could have learned to do. This is my addiction and I look forward to it every chance I get. Granted, there isn’t always a lot of time when you factor in a full-time regular job, taking care of goats, rabbits, walking dogs, feeding and playing with the dragon (just because he is small, doesn’t mean he doesn’t get just as much attention as all the other 4-legged babies). Now, time to make dinner and relax – not much time left to make soap after all of that. BUT I DO! Not everyday of course, but often. The weekends are pretty much dedicated to soap. Either making it, cutting it (my favorite part), cleaning it up, packaging, doing inventory, or creating new recipes.
Today though, I thought I would try something new. With all the soap I have made, I have accumulated a massive amount of shavings (from cleaning up the soaps), end pieces, and some that simply didn’t turn out well. I am not about to throw all this excess away – what a waste that would be! So today, I am doing my very first “Re-Batch”. For those that make soap, they know exactly what this is – for those that don’t, simply put: I’m taking left over soap pieces and making new soap. I’m not stopping there though (I’ve never been one to just try one thing of anything), I’m also going to try to make “Whipped” soap (the kind that floats) for the first time as well… and I’m going to do it with the Re-batched trial.
First things first, I need to gather up some of the excess soap shavings and “bad” soaps and shred it into tiny pieces (the cheese grater works great for this). Here is what 2 pounds of grated up soap looks like.

All this went into my crock-pot on low heat. I added 4 ounces of goat milk for a little moisture.
*** Side note: I do not use the crock-pot I cook dinners in. Jeff and I went to Goodwill and picked up a used one for $5 just for the purpose of soaping – LOVE GOODWILL for things like this! ***
Here is what it looked like after an hour on low heat:

Judging from what I have watched on YouTube, looks to be right on track… maybe a bit less melted so far, but that could be due to this being an old crock-pot. Nonetheless, looks like it’s going pretty well.
So, this is at 3 hours and I have determined it is not going to melt anymore.

I added some fragrance and additional blue coloring to soften up the green and I think the color has come out pretty.

Now, to see if I can make it “whipped”. To avoid it cooling down to much, I have quickly transferred it to the Kitchen Aid and kicked it on high for about 1 minute.

Into the mold! I know this isn’t going to come out all smooth and nice like the typical Cold Processed soap that I am used to making. Honestly, I can’t decide if I hate this, or if I am liking the “rustic” appearance.

And now – THE CUT.
Okay, so it is VERY rustic, and you can see some of the ‘bits’ that didn’t melt very well. A bit of a “confetti” look, but not quite enough to be considered a confetti soap.

Now, here’s the big question… Does it float? Being that this was my first try, I’m very curious if I have succeeded in both my goals.
Success – It floats!

I have successfully made Whipped Re-Batched soap!! I sincerely enjoy learning new things, and absolutely love it when it comes out right.